Tobacco Waste Is Weighing Down Our Mother Nature

Standing today we all know that smoking cigarettes and any other form of tobacco products, in that matter, kill us. But do you know it has devastating effects on our environment too?

Yes, tobacco waste does pollute soil and water bodies. But it is not limited just to this.

The tobacco industry destroys our environment in some or the other way in every stage of its life cycle, i.e. tobacco growing, production, consumption, and disposal.

A detailed study on this was made by NICPR-ICMR, The Union, SPH AIIMS Jodhpur, and us as a State Partner Institution.

It was to assess the environmental burden in terms of plastic, paper, foil, and filter waste, posed by various smoked and smokeless tobacco products at the National and State level.

This cross-sectional study was conducted in 33 districts of 17 states and UTs across the country. After exclusion of duplicates, 200 unique tobacco products including 70 cigarette brands, 94 bidi brands, and 58 SLT brands were procured from across the country to ensure representation and generalizability from all the geographic regions of the country. Gross weight and segregated weights of the plastic, paper, foil, and filter content were taken from the procured samples and were correlated with the data from GATS-2 to arrive at the final results.

Download the research report to learn more about the devastating impact of tobacco on our environment.

Also check out this report for West Bengal.