Tobacco use is considered to be the leading global cause of death and threatening to become an uncontrollable epidemic with 13 lakh deaths every year due to tobacco use, As a result tobacco related mortality is increasing other the years. Economic burden (both direct and indirect) of tobacco use in India, is estimated to Rs.1,04,500 crores per year.
Executive Director approached to the DM, for conducting a Sensitization Meeting on advancing Tobacco Control with Special emphasis on capacity building and enforcement of COTPA, 2003. Afterwards Regional Coordinator follows up regularly with the Dy. CMOH-II. After several interactions Dy. CMOH-II finalized a date of Sensitization meeting on 2nd June at Purulia.
The main focus of the Programme was to orient or sensitize the elected representatives of District Administration Officers, Health Administration Officers regarding the burden of Tobacco use and about a comprehensive enforcement through the implementation of Cigarette and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply & Distribution) Act. 2003 which can significantly reduce and eliminate the exposure to smoking at the jurisdiction of Purulia.
Venue: DM Meeting Room
Programme Date: 02.06.2017
Schedule Time: 12 PM
Duration Time: One and half hour
Target Group: Elected Representatives of District Administration Officers and Chief
Medical Health Officer & Health Administration & other workers of Purulia.
No. of Stakeholders: 23
Resources Persons: Mr. Nirmalya Mukherjee, Director MANT
Content of the Programme:
- Tobacco Burden in India and West Bengal with special reference to health effects of
tobacco use. - An overview of COTPA(section 4,5,6,7)
- Presentation of health burden of tobacco use and overview of COTPA,(2003)
- Interactive Session
- Videos
Had a talk with District Magistrate, Purulia kindly concentrate to form the District Level Enforcement Squad (DLES) and District Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC).
They wish to display signage of section 4 in all public places immediately. All the Officials committed that they would take required initiative to make their jurisdiction smoke free as early as possible.