Section 4 of COTPA prohibits smoking in public places and Section 6 of COTPA protects the minors and youths from tobacco by regulating and restricting the tobacco business. All educational institutions are defined under COTPA and are to abide by the law to comply with the provisions of Section4 and Section 6 of COTPA.
In order to ensure the compliance to the law, following things require to be ensured at the institutional level –
- Display of “No Smoking Area” signage at prominent places in the institution campus. (annexure 1)
- Display of another signage “Tobacco free educational Institution” at main gate/outer boundary informing prohibition of sale of tobacco products within 100 yards distance. (annexure 2)
- Ensure that nobody (faculties, staff, students, patients and visitors) use any form of tobacco (smoking and smokeless) in the whole institution campus including canteens and hostels.
- Ensure that no tobacco products are being sold or offered in the whole campus including the canteen, hostel mess and within 100 yards of the outer boundary/main gate of the institution.
- Ensure random checking at the probable points of violation.
It is further added that under the law
- The head of institution or designated officer is authorized to fine a person upto Rs. 200/- who used tobacco products in the institute’s campus including the canteen.
- The head of institution or designated officer is authorized to fine the tobacco vendors upto Rs. 200/-Who sell tobacco products within 100 yards of the institute’s main gate/boundary.
It is essential that necessary steps are taken to implement Section 4 and Section 6 of COTPA. To ensure to make a “Tobacco ‘free educational institute” is responsibility of the head/in-charge of institution. A Blue Line Campaign adopted elsewhere has been found to be effective.
It has been decided to initiate a campaign for “Tobacco Free Educational Institution” by demarcating 100 yards from the boundary wall of Educational Institution. The area may be marked with Blue Line as Tobacco Free Zone wherein no tobacco products will be sold or consumed. The students of the colleges will request the existing tobacco vendors operational within 100 yards of the Educational Institution to stop selling tobacco products. The students will be accompanied by an elder be it a teacher or non-teaching staff of the institute.