MANT implemented the Participatory Tobacco Use Prevention Programme among Youths and Adolescents of Kolkata for three years (2005-2007) with support from Government of India and WHO-India and with the active involvement of Kolkata Municipal Corporation and Department of Health and Family Welfare Government of West Bengal. MANT also implemented the sensitization programme for Effective Implementation of National Tobacco Control Act in West Bengal with the same support in 2010-2011.
Under this programme, government officials, including police personnel, were trained. MANT, as a partner NGO of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2014. Presently, MANT has been implementing the UNION supported tobacco control project in West Bengal in close collaboration with state and district Tobacco Control Cells (STCC, DTCCs), District Administrations, Police, Local Governments like Panchayats and Municipalities; and various other State Departments like Education, Social Welfare, Municipal Affairs and the like. MANT has already developed many sensitization materials and translated the Health Worker’s Guide and Enforcers Guidelines in Bengali. MANT supported Dohar, a famous Bangla Band to prepare a music CD with anti-tobacco messages, and it is now available through a Music Company.
MANT also produced a short film which was premiered in 6th Kolkata Children Film Festival 2016. It has also produced many short educational videos, documentaries, animation film and another short film on tobacco control. Eminent singer Mr Anupam Roy prepared anti-tobacco Mobile Caller tunes for MANT. It has also launched a mobile app available both in android and iOS to report a violation of the law, quit support and generating awareness among youths.