A Journey Towards a Tobacco-Free India: Highlights from the “Report on Tobacco Control in India 2022”

In 2004, India took a significant step towards better health and well-being by releasing the first volume of the “Report on Tobacco Control in India.” This report marked the beginning of a robust journey to reduce tobacco use and its harmful effects on public health. Fast forward to 2022, and India has made remarkable progress, becoming a leader in tobacco control both regionally and globally.

Key Achievements in Tobacco Control

Since the first report, India has achieved several milestones in tobacco control:

  1. COTPA Enforcement: The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) has been enforced to regulate the sale, advertising, and use of tobacco products.
  2. WHO FCTC Ratification: India ratified the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), a global treaty aimed at reducing tobacco use.
  3. National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP): This program has been implemented to create awareness, establish tobacco cessation centers, and monitor tobacco use across the country.
  4. Bans on Harmful Products: India has banned the sale of gutkha (a form of smokeless tobacco), other smokeless tobacco products, and electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), such as e-cigarettes.


The 2022 edition of the “Report on Tobacco Control in India” documents these achievements and more. It highlights the collective efforts of the Government of India, State Governments, academia, researchers, civil society, youth advocates, and the media in driving forward the mission of tobacco control.

Contributions and Leadership

This comprehensive report wouldn’t have been possible without the steadfast leadership and commitment of key figures. The Hon’ble Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, and the Hon’ble Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare have played pivotal roles in steering tobacco control initiatives. Their dedication has been supported by the Secretary, Director General Health Services, and the Additional Secretary, whose guidance has been invaluable throughout the report’s development.

The World Health Organization has also been instrumental in supporting the drafting of this report, ensuring that it meets global standards and provides practical, evidence-based strategies.

Collaborative Efforts

One of the standout features of this report is the extensive collaboration involved in its creation. The Editorial Committee, which played a crucial role in conceptualizing, developing, and finalizing the report, deserves special mention. HRIDAY led the development of this report as the technical secretariat, with significant contributions from the Public Health Foundation of India.

Over 100 authors and peer reviewers from across the country, representing various stakeholders, have enriched the content of this report. Their collective technical expertise and experience shine through in the national, sub-national, and grassroots initiatives documented in the report.

Special Acknowledgment: Dr. Nirmalya Mukherjee

Among the esteemed contributors is Dr. Nirmalya Mukherjee, Director of MANT. Dr. Mukherjee’s valuable input and findings on Tobacco Vendor Licensing have been featured in the report. His contributions are crucial in understanding and implementing effective tobacco control measures at the vendor level.

Vision for a Tobacco-Free Future

The “Report on Tobacco Control in India 2022” is not just a reflection of past achievements but also a beacon for the future. It provides key strategies and recommendations to realize the vision of a ‘Tobacco-Free India’ and a ‘Tobacco-Free Future Generation.’

This report will serve as a ready reckoner for anyone interested in tobacco control in India. It will help policymakers, health professionals, and the general public understand and implement evidence-based strategies to combat the tobacco menace.

Let us all recommit to the vision of a ‘Tobacco-Free India’ and work together towards a healthier, smoke-free future.

Download the full report here to learn more about India’s journey and the ongoing efforts in tobacco control.